Tuesday, May 25, 2004

My home church

Here is a link to my 'home' church: Roxeth Green Free Church in South Harrow, Middlesex (near London)

Monday, May 24, 2004

Hello, I'm David Posted by Hello


Here are some of the activities on my agenda for the next few months.

24-31 Godly Play stories at a Christian retreat for the elderly - Toral de los Guzmanes (León)

4-6 Weekend residential training event for Sunday school teachers and children's workers - La Moraleja, Alcobendas (Madrid)
12 Godly Play Introduction at the Free Evangelical Church in Sant Feliu (Barcelona)
13 Session in parenting skills at the Free Evangelical Church in Sant Feliu (Barcelona)
18-19 Godly Play Introduction at a Christian retreat of the Evangelical Pentecostal Apostolic Church in Antequera (Málaga)

17 Godly Play Introduction at a training day for a team of about 20 volunteer hospital visitors, at Chiclana (Cádiz)

16-30 Family evangelistic camp in Ávila; Godly Play sessions for groups of children and all-age groups

Sunday, May 23, 2004


Welcome to my blog. Here you will find news and information regarding my agenda, events and personal items.
