Saturday, June 11, 2005

Agenda July, August & Semptember

I'll be involved in the following activities over the next three months.

2 Madrid: Godly Play introduction day, in partnership with St. George's Anglican Church. Sessions in both English & Spanish.
15, 16 El Escorial (Madrid): Summer seminar: Children's spirituality and how to develop it. I'll be taking one of the talks and offering the participants a full introduction to Godly Play. Organized by: SEUT (United Evangelical Seminary of Theology), Asociación de Educadores Evangélicos de Madrid (Madrid Association of Evangelical Educators), y Unión Bíblica (Scripture Union in Spain).


3 Madrid: Godly Play workshop (Parables), in partnership with Iglesia Catedral El Redentor (Spanish Anglican Church).
17 Madrid: Godly Play workshop (Parables), in partnership with St. George's Anglican Church.
23-25 La Moraleja (Madrid): Training weekend for children's workers, Sunday School teachers, etc, in partnership with Asociación de Educadores Evangélicos de Madrid (Madrid Association of Evangelical Educators).